Peerless songbird reviews
Peerless songbird reviews

peerless songbird reviews

Their build quality is outstanding, on a par with the very best Ibanez models.I have a Korean EXDC, maybe 7 years old or a little more. Truthfully I do not think ALL D'A repro owners feel compelled to change pickups any more than other brands do. Then again, I've never changed pups in a Gibson either. I have not and have no need to change the pups in either my EXS-1DH or EX-DC.

peerless songbird reviews

Technically I don't know you but you can say you know of one :-) It will also be made in Korea and the expected price will be "around $2K".

peerless songbird reviews

Peerless songbird reviews full size#

He showed a prototype of a full size hollow body Jazz box to accompany the GCS-1 semi-hollow body. Slightly OT, I met Bill Comins at the Artisan Guitar Show in Harrisburg, PA a few weeks ago. These instruments along with the Comins GCS-1 and others clearly indicate that it is possible to acquire a good quality, well made, great playing instrument without spending a small fortune. I have played several Peerless instruments and they were all uniformly great. Although I have never played a Korean made D'A, everything I've read would indicate that they represent an outstanding value. I would not hesitate to buy another Peerless or a D'Angelico. I also agree that, by-and-large, Korean made guitars are very well made with a build quality and attention to detail that should make Gibson blush. In some ways, I like it as well as my Heritage. My Monarch 16 is one of my favorite guitars. They make a hell of a "performance quality" guitar at very reasonable prices. An incredible value in the $1500-2500 price points. I've stated my approval of Peerless instruments more times than I can count.

Peerless songbird reviews