Marco rubio ted cruz daughters
Marco rubio ted cruz daughters

marco rubio ted cruz daughters

The two candidates declined to comment about their relationship, but their advisers sought in interviews to tamp down any notion of tension, while acknowledging their differences. Rubio’s “ super PAC” airs ads in New Hampshire championing a tax plan he and Mr. Lee about his family, said a person with knowledge of those conversations. Rubio seems ready to capitalize, though in a subtle manner more reflective of his congenial style. Lee would weaken punishment of violent offenders, which Mr. Cruz argued that measures proposed by Mr. Lee, who in the past had been described, to the annoyance of Mr. Trump and Ben Carson inevitably evaporate, according to a person with knowledge of the conversations.īut a recent spat in a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing exposed signs of strain in the relationship between Mr. Lee, talking about his success in fund-raising, why he stacks up better against the other candidates and why different pools of conservative voters will coalesce around him when, in his telling, the campaigns of Donald J. Cruz steered clear of any conflict as he spoke directly to the camera about his born-again father in an effort to solidify his support among evangelicals.īut they are already competing in the Senate for the endorsement of Senator Mike Lee of Utah, who is admired by the conservative base for his anti-spending positions, and whose backing is considered a conservative seal of approval. Rubio sparred in the debate with Jeb Bush, his rival for the support of Republican establishment donors. Cruz are content to stay out of each other’s way on the campaign trial, both seeming more concerned now with clearing out competitors in their respective lanes. Now both 44 and eager to become the first Latino president, Mr. They, like other senators and staff members, spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak frankly about their colleagues. One senator used the word “wariness.” Another said that an unpersuasive argument for getting one on board with legislation would be pointing out that it was championed by the other. “They both walk to the edge of the pool,” said Jennifer Duffy, a Senate analyst at the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. Cruz, who has predicated his presidential rationale on his ideological purity. Rubio, loath to be tarnished with congressional inefficiency, has been less vocal about his willingness to shut down the government over the funding of Planned Parenthood than Mr. Cruz, after initially supporting the bill, did not. Rubio, for example, voted to give the Obama administration fast-track authority to push its Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, while Mr. Rubio have staked out opposing positions in the Senate that could become strengths, or weaknesses, in a two-man race. Cruz’s wife and children, smiles on all their faces.īut over the last few months, Mr. Rubio and his wife could be seen leaving the building with Mr. It is a belief shared by some other leading Republicans and a prospect made more plausible by their highly regarded performances in Wednesday night’s presidential debate on CNBC.

marco rubio ted cruz daughters

Cruz is privately telling colleagues that he believes the race for the party’s nomination will boil down to a contest between himself and Mr. Now, the two Republican stars, biographically similar but stylistically opposite, are running for president, and Mr. Rubio’s endorsement, and later confided to a Republican senator that he “resented” Mr. Cruz, who had to settle for a meeting with Mr. Rubio, by then outgrowing his Tea Party stage and seeking to position himself as a party leader who did not meddle in others’ primaries, never found room in his schedule for Mr. Rubio, making several pilgrimages to his Washington office for advice, as well as an endorsement, according to people who were members of Mr. Cruz also sought a more direct connection to Mr. WASHINGTON - When he ran for the Senate from Texas in 2012, Ted Cruz welcomed the comparisons on Capitol Hill and in the news media to Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, another 41-year-old Cuban-American and oratorically gifted conservative, who had ridden a wave of Tea Party support two years earlier to victory over his state’s Republican establishment.īut Mr.

Marco rubio ted cruz daughters